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Professeur Assistant

Droit et Fiscalité

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Pablo Marcello Baquero is Assistant Professor at HEC Paris and a Fellow at the Hi! Paris Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society. He is a member of the Smart Law Hub at HEC Paris, is involved in different interdisciplinary academic communities focused on law and technology and collaborates closely with scholars across different disciplines, in projects at the intersection between law and AI.

He teaches courses on Digital Assets and Blockchain, Tech Law, Digital Innovation Law and Contract Law.

His scholarly interests are in the fields of law and technology (particularly law and artificial intelligence and smart contracts), private law and international business transactions. His perspective is comparative and interdisciplinary, considering the intersection of law with computer science, economics, business and sociology.

His research examines how legal institutions and technologies can support practices of innovation in a socially and economically inclusive way, contributing to disseminate to most firms the opportunities to produce in the frontiers of innovation and extending the benefits of advanced technologies to society at large in a lawful and ethical way.

His work adopts a dual approach, examining how laws and regulations should govern emerging technologies; and researching inside the “black box” of algorithms and technical applications, to both uncover how they operate and could be designed to comply with legal and regulatory objectives.

His first book, entitled “Networks of Collaborative Contracts for Innovation”, has been published by Hart, in the context of the Series International Studies on the Theory of Private Law. He has published articles in law reviews and edited books across Europe, the United States, Australia and Brazil.

Before becoming an Assistant Professor, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at HEC Paris. Previously, he was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute and worked as a lawyer in France and in Brazil, dealing with commercial arbitration, contractual transactions and foreign investments. He further worked as consultant to the Doing Business Project – World Bank, Washington DC, US, and as an intern at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Vienna, Austria.

He holds a Ph.D. in Law from the University of Cambridge, a LL.M. from Harvard Law School and a LL.B. from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Articles scientifiques

Layers of privacy in the blockchain: from technological solutionism to human-centred privacy-compliance technologies

International Journal of Law in Context, mars 2023, vol. 19, n° Special Is, pp 51-69,

Promises and Limits of Law for a Human-Centric AI

Computer Law & Security Review, avril 2023, vol. 48, n° 105795, (in coll. with D. RESTREPO AMARILES)

Editorial : Artificial Intelligence Risks and Algorithmic Regulation

European Journal of Risk Regulation, septembre 2022, vol. 13, n° 3, pp 357-372, (in coll. with P. R. B. Fortes, D. RESTREPO AMARILES)

Computational indicators in the legal profession: Can artificial intelligence measure lawyers' performance?

Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy, automne 2021, vol. 2021, n° 2, pp 313-361, (in coll. with D. RESTREPO AMARILES, P. BONIOL, R. EL HAMDANI, M. VAZIRGIANNIS)

The Implementation of the European Small Claims Procedure in France

Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 2021, vol. 10, n° 1, pp 36–40, (in coll. with M. M. WINKLER)


Networks of Collaborative Contracts for Innovation

Hart Publishing

Cahiers de recherche

Articles scientifiques

Layers of privacy in the blockchain: from technological solutionism to human-centred privacy-compliance technologies

International Journal of Law in Context, mars 2023, vol. 19, n° Special Is, pp 51-69,

Promises and Limits of Law for a Human-Centric AI

Computer Law & Security Review, avril 2023, vol. 48, n° 105795, (in coll. with D. RESTREPO AMARILES)

Editorial : Artificial Intelligence Risks and Algorithmic Regulation

European Journal of Risk Regulation, septembre 2022, vol. 13, n° 3, pp 357-372, (in coll. with P. R. B. Fortes, D. RESTREPO AMARILES)

Computational indicators in the legal profession: Can artificial intelligence measure lawyers' performance?

Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy, automne 2021, vol. 2021, n° 2, pp 313-361, (in coll. with D. RESTREPO AMARILES, P. BONIOL, R. EL HAMDANI, M. VAZIRGIANNIS)


Networks of Collaborative Contracts for Innovation

Hart Publishing

Cahiers de recherche


  • PhD in Law, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law - Royaume-Uni

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2021- Professeur Assistant, Droit et Fiscalité HEC Paris
  • 2021- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris
  • 2019-2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Artificial Intelligence & Law, HEC Paris