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International International

With 135 nationalities represented on campus and a community of 70,000 Alumni around the world, internationalism rests at the heart of HEC Paris.

The HEC Paris Campus, one of the largest business school campuses in Europe, brings together a diverse student body, internationally renowned faculty and world-class teaching facilities. HEC Paris further achieves global impact thanks to its strong international academic network and targeted global initiatives.

A European Leader with global Reach


Diversity - International faculty & global student recruitment

HEC Paris champions diversity, with a world-class faculty of over 120 professors originating from more than 30 different countries and an international student body comprised of 135 nationalities.

global networks

Global networks and world-class academic partners

HEC Paris achieves global impact thanks to its strong international academic network and multilateral partnerships. These provide students with limitless opportunities to internationalize their learning experience.


Close relationships with companies globally

HEC has close relationships with companies across the globe, offering student placement and career opportunities worldwide as well as providing a whole range of executive education programs.

double degrees

Joint international & double degrees

HEC Paris has developed Dual Degree Programs with prestigious universities around the world, helping students develop multiple skills and a truly global mind-set.

International Offices

Branch campus & international offices

HEC Paris has supported its international ambition through the opening of six representative offices across Asia, Europe, the USA, Africa and a branch campus in Qatar for the delivery of on-site executive education programs.

International Chapters

Over 80 alumni chapters in the world

The HEC Paris Alumni network is among the largest in Europe with 70,000 Alumni based in about 140 countries and organized in over 80 alumni chapters around the world.

HEC Paris in the world

HEC & Americas

HEC & Asia

HEC & Europe

HEC & Middle East / Africa

Our global partners


Logo PIM - Partnership in Advanced ManagementPartnership in International Management (PIM) has been co-created in 1973 by HEC Paris together with New York University (NYU) and London Business School (LBS). It is a consortium of leading business schools each representing the highest degree of excellence in the fields of business administration and management.

PIM facilitates the development of international cooperation among members, fostering the development of joint programs, students and faculty exchange, joint research and cooperation among faculty members and researchers.



CEMS logo

In 1988 HEC Paris together with ESADE Business School (Barcelona), Bocconi University (Milan) and University of Cologne founded CEMS, a global alliance of academic and corporate institutions dedicated to educating and preparing future generations of international business leaders.

The joint CEMS Master’s in International Management (MiM) is the main vehicle for achieving this goal.

Common to all activities is the aim of promoting global citizenship, with particular emphasis placed upon the following values:

  • The pursuit of excellence with high standards of performance and ethical conduct;
  • Understanding and drawing upon cultural diversity with respect and empathy;
  • Professional responsibility and accountability in relation to society as a whole.



GNAM logo - Global Network for Advanced ManagementThe Global Network for Advanced Management seeks to drive innovation and create value by connecting 32 leading global business schools, their resources, and their stakeholders.

GNAM leverages resources from business schools across continents, positioning future leaders to thrive in roles which require a broad understanding of the differences between markets and diverse stakeholders.



logo Euroteq

At the end of 2023, HEC Paris joined the EuroTeQ Engineering University, a European alliance designed to promote science and technology in entrepreneurship, focusing on the current challenges of sustainable and human development.

Created in 2020, the EuroTeQ Engineering University was originally made up of six of Europe's leading technology universities: Technical University of Munich (TUM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), École Polytechnique (l'X), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech).

Following the success of this first phase, two business schools, HEC Paris and the University of Navarra (IESE), have joined the alliance to enrich it with high-level expertise in management, innovation and entrepreneurship.


Academic Partners

Academic Partners - HEC Paris


International Offices

HEC Paris achieves global impact thanks to an international presence in 6 representative offices and a branch campus in Qatar.


HEC Paris London Office - MIF MEF Study trip 2024

The MIF/MEF 2024 study trip offered nearly 300 students from the Master in International Finance (MIF) and Master in Economics & Finance (MEF) programs a unique opportunity to engage with London's...

Among the remarkable Women in Tech in Africa is Hiba Mrani Alaoui, an investor and Managing Partner at Witamax, who is passionate about disruption. Hiba welcomed the HEC United team to her office in...


The journey towards growth has never been an easy ride for entrepreneurs, especially when expanding overseas. That’s why the HEC Paris Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute, through the Incubation &...

The HEC United team takes us to Morocco to meet Ataa Khayati, an alumna of the HEC Paris Master in Management program (2010). Ataa has been working at Onomo Hotels for the past eight years as the General...

HEC Paris Start'Africa avril 2024 groupe

6 months of planning, 80 applications, 5 sponsors, 15 groups supported by as many coaches, 4 prizes and 4 high-profile speakers for the discussion panel: this is the summary of the HEC Start'Africa...

Ibrahima Cheikh Diong

The keynote speech at the HEC Climate Day, organized by the Climate & Earth Center, was delivered by Ibrahima Diong. He highlighted the importance of bridging the academic world with on-the-ground efforts...

HEC Paris EuroTeQathon 2024

For the first time ever since joining the EuroTeQ Engineering University in November 2023, HEC Paris took part in the 4th edition of the EuroTeQathon. This pitching contest was organized this year by and...

HEC Paris London Office - Marketing Study trip

In June, the HEC UK Office organised the 2nd edition of the Learning Expedition to London for the Master in Marketing students. During 3 intensive days, the 60 students had the opportunity to do company...

HEC PARIS INPHB voyage d'études

From 22 to 30 May, 10 students of the Master en Entrepreneuriat et Innovation (MEI), delivered by the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) and HEC Paris, travelled to France for...

HEC Paris US Office - 2024 Learning Experience USA

From February to May 2024, MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs and Executive MBA (EMBA) students experienced the HEC Paris ecosystem in the US. Students, academic directors and staff, totaling close to 250 people...

On Monday, April 15, nearly 80 members of the Swiss Alumni community, representatives of international organizations, HEC students, and staff gathered at the French Residence in Geneva to highlight the...

International - HEC Paris - UK office - DSB

In April, the HEC UK Office organised the 2nd edition of the Learning Expedition to London for Master in Data Science for Business X-HEC (DSB) students. During 3 intensive days, the students had the...

HEC Challenge + Dakar et Abidjan

From February 12th to 15th, 2024, Côte d'Ivoire warmly welcomed the HEC Challenge + Dakar promotion, following the recent launch of the HEC Paris program in Senegal. Over four intense days, project...

International-news-launchpad Londres-vignette

Annually, the HEC UK Office orchestrates a Learning Expedition in London, gathering over 120 ambitious students aspiring to venture into entrepreneurship through the HEC Startup Launchpad program. Led by...

Three years to the day after its creation, HEC Imagine Fellows notched up its engagement by naming 12 students as Ambassadors for Business & Peace. In a moving ceremony in France’s Ministry for Europe and...

Three smiling women standing in front of a large HBC logo

Despite significant progress in women's representation in the workforce over the past 60 years, recent research from HEC Paris reveals a persistent gender gap in leadership aspirations, potentially...


During an event held on 17 February in Abidjan, 45 students from the 2023/2024 Ivorian PACT students and 5 of their mentors based in Côte d'Ivoire got the opportunity to know each other better and deepen...

photo de groupe uk house event

In a recent high-profile conference organized by the S&O Institute and the HEC UK House in London on January 23, 2024, academics and businesses shed light on the complex reality of forced migration and...

International-news-visite lycée français RDC

21 students of " Première" (penultimate year of secondary school in the French system) from the Lycée français Blaise Pascal in Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of Congo) visited the HEC Paris campus in...

HEC Paris Beijing Office - AI doc screening presentation

On January 10th, in collaboration with the HEC Paris China Office, the joint screening and panel discussion of the Chinese-Italian documentary film "AI La" was held at the Yale Beijing Center located in...

Beijing Office Alumni House Opening

Located within Z-SPACE, a multifunctional space that fuses the traditional architecture of Chinese courtyard houses with a modern aesthetic, the Beijing "HEC Alumni House" finally opened on November 15...

HEC Paris US Office sustainability event

To illustrate the fact that sustainability is at the heart of HEC Paris’ strategy, initiatives are taking place all over the world, including within the HEC Paris alumni community in the US. On November...

HEC Paris US Office - EMBA healthcare management study trip

The HEC Paris Executive MBA (EMBA) major in Healthcare Management cohort of 22 participants was in New York for a Learning Experience during the week of November 6. During their stay, Vincent Muzelle...


The Dean and General Director of HEC Paris, Eloïc Peyrache, visited Côte d'Ivoire in September. The visit, marked by several milestones, testifies to the school's active presence in a booming ecosystem...


The HEC Paris Office in the UK organises every year a Learning Expedition to London for approximately 100 Master in Strategic Management students. This month, they spent 3 intensive days visiting 20...

HEC Paris New York Office - recruitment and alumni event

The HEC Paris US Office organized yet another successful event in New York earlier this month: a rich and engaging networking session enabled prospective candidates, ranging for Grande Ecole Masters...

HEC Paris UK Office - MIF MEF UK LEX

Students from the Master in International Finance (MIF) and Master in Economics and Finance (MEF) kicked off their year with a Study Trip to London! During their time in the city, these students had the...

HEC Beijing EMAC new class vignette

Last month, the opening ceremony for the new cohort of the Executive Media, Art and Creation (EMAC) program took place at the Institut français (French cultural center) in Beijing. Mr Corbard, Attaché for...

HEC Japan Office Mercure prize

On June 5, the HEC Paris Japan Office and the Japan Alumni Chapter threw an event in Tokyo during which Mariko Magnan (H.03), founder of TPO, received the 2023 Mercure Prize, the award for the HEC...

HEC EMAC graduation

From June 7 to 10, the Executive Master in Media, Art and Creation (EMAC) first ever cohort travelled to Paris with a packed schedule: starting with the Grand Palais Immersif's "Éternel Mucha" exhibition...

HEC Paris enjoyed its 142nd graduation ceremony over the course of two sunny June days on the Jouy-en-Josas campus. In Part I, we described the 50th anniversary of women student admission to the school...

HEC Paris UK Office Master Marketing company visit study trip London

The HEC UK Office organised the first Learning Expedition to London for the Master in Marketing students. The 42 students spent 4 intensive days where they had the opportunity to visit companies, meet...

Signature of Exchange Agreement between HEC Paris and Cambridge University - May 2023

On Friday, May 12, 2023, a delegation from HEC Paris signed a key academic partnership with the University of Cambridge – a great way to enrich our students' experience with innovative academic exchange...

HEC Paris US Office - Share and Dare - Julie Girard

Librairie Albertine welcomed the latest edition of the "Share and Dare" panel on May 4. 40 HEC Alumni gathered to listen to Julie Girard’s (H.11) present and discuss her first book, Le crépuscule des...

HEC Paris US Office - Women's Forum Washington DC

The HEC Paris community was in Washington DC on March 30 to honor the long-lasting partnership forged with the Women's Forum. HEC Paris showed its commitment to gender equality and diversity: HEC Paris US...

HEC Paris - Data Science for Business Study Trip in London - 2023

In April, the HEC UK Office organised a Learning Expedition to London for c.40 students from the Master in Data Science for Business. The students spent 3 intensive days where they had they had the...

HEC Paris UK House Opening

After two years of searching for the ideal place and nearly one year of renovation work, the HEC UK House officially opened on March 22 nd. Hundreds of alumni and many members of the school, the HEC...

Hubert Joly New York Chapter

Full House at Villa Albertine New York for an energizing evening of powerful insights shared by Hubert Joly on purposeful leadership as a meaningful way to unlock growth and business.

HEC UK - Startup Launchap March 23

Every year, the HEC UK Office organises a Learning Expedition in London for over 100 entrepreneur students from the HEC Startup Launchpad. This program, now run by the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center...

Thomas Jonas

On February 3, the HEC Paris US Office threw the Annual Gathering of the East Coast HEC Community on the Chrysler Building top floor. On this occasion, the HEC North-American Alumni and partners met with...

HEC Japan - 2022 activities

In 2022, the HEC Japan Office took part and organised a series of exciting events in Tokyo. From a dinner with the Japan Chapter, to a networking meeting for the September 2022 MBA intake, as well as...

HEC US - News December 23 - Climate Fresk

The HEC Paris US Office took part in meaningful events over the past months, showing HEC’s strong commitment to its values of “responsibility” during the Positive Impact Summit and the Climate Fresk...


On Wednesday October 7 th, the 22 African students from the first three "PACT Afrique" classes, all admitted to the MiM Grande Ecole Program at HEC Paris, met on campus with Bertrand Schwab, Major Donor...

May 22 Eloic Peyrache US visit

In May 2022, HEC Paris's Dean Eloïc Peyrache came to visit the East Coast of the US, meeting alternatively with our prestigious academic partners (Yale University, Babson College, NYU, MIT, etc.), strong...

During Spring 2022, the HEC Paris US Office took part in and organised several highly instructive events in New York City, Boston, and San Francisco. From a celebration of International Women's Day...

Alumni Chapters

HEC Paris students (©Ciprian Olteanu -


The HEC Paris Alumni network is a dynamic and fraternal network facilitating exchange and experience-sharing among its members.

Find your chapter