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Management et Ressources Humaines

 Profile picture


T. Brad Harris, Ph.D. is the Associate Dean of MBA Programs and a Professor of Management and Human Resources at HEC Paris. His primary research and teaching interests include leadership, team dynamics, and HR systems in rapidly growing organizations. Brad has received multiple teaching awards and was named a top “40 under 40 Business School Professor” by Poets and Quants. He has co-authored two books, Scaling for Success: People Priorities for High-Growth Organizations (Columbia, 2021) and 3D Team Leadership: A New Approach for Complex Teams (Stanford, 2017), and published research papers in leading journals including the Academy of Management JournalJournal of Applied PsychologyPersonnel Psychology, and Journal of Management. Brad’s work has been cited in leading popular press outlets, including the Wall Street JournalNew York TimesHarvard Business ReviewNBC’s The Today, and Fast Company. He is a former Associate Editor at the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, and currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Applied PsychologyPersonnel PsychologyJournal of ManagementThe Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Business and Psychology. He earned his Ph.D. in Management from Texas A&M University and maintains a joint appointment at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Brad’s most important role is being a father of three children.

Articles scientifiques

A Person-Centered Approach to Behaving Badly at Work: An Examination of Workplace Deviance Patterns

Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024, vol. 109, n° 11, pp 1742-1764, (in coll. with B. BIGELOW, J. KAUTZ, N. C. CARPENTER)

Team conflict at the core: Exploring the influence of critical team member conflict on team creative functioning

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, juin 2024, vol. 97, n° 2, pp 424-451, (in coll. with H. Liao, N. Li, Y. Han)

Getting from Valid to Useful: End User Modifiability and Human Capital Analytics Implementation in Selection

Human Resource Management, novembre-décembre 2023, vol. 62, n° 6, pp 917-932, (in coll. with P. E. DOWNES, D. G. ALLEN)

Leveraging Relational Analytics in Human Resource Research and Practice

Human Resource Management, juillet-août 2023, vol. 62, n° 4, pp 377-389, (in coll. with S. M. SOLTIS, J. R. METHOT, J. H. GITTELL)

First impression effects in organizational psychology

Journal of Applied Psychology, mars 2022, vol. 107, n° 3, pp 346-369, (in coll. with B. W. Swider, Q. Gong)

Exploring the pandemic's potential effects on workers' collectivist values, prosocial behaviors, and attitudes toward mistreatment

Human Resource Management, janvier-février 2022, vol. 61, n° 1, pp 55-74, (in coll. with N. LI, H. Liao, J. Pan)

Informational advantages in social networks: The core-periphery divide in peer performance ratings.

Journal of Applied Psychology, juillet 2021, vol. 106, n° 7, pp 1093-1102, (in coll. with H. H. Zhao, N. Li, C. C. Rosen, X. Zhang)

Are followers satisfied with conscientious leaders? The moderating influence of leader role authenticity

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2 décembre 2019, vol. 40, n° 4, pp 456-471, (in coll. with M. T. Cardador, M. S. Cole, S. Mistry, B. L. Kirkman)

Unspoken yet Understood: An Introduction and Initial Framework of Subordinates With Supervisors

Journal of Management, mars 2019, vol. 45, n° 3, pp 955-983, (in coll. with X. Zheng, N. Li, H. Liao)

A Network View of Advice-giving and Individual Creativity in Teams: A Brokerage-driven, Socially Perpetuated Phenomenon

Academy of Management Journal, 2018, vol. 61, n° 6, pp 2210-2229, (in coll. with Y. Li, N. Li, J. Guo, J. Li)


Scaling for Success: People Priorities for High Growth Organizations

Columbia Business School Publishing (in coll. with A. C. BARTLOW )

3D team leadership: A new approach for complex teams

Stanford University Press (in coll. with B. L. KIRKMAN )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Boomerang employees

The Sage Encyclopedia Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology, Steven G. Rogelberg, SAGE Publications, 2nd Edition , 126-127

Teams and Proactivity

Proactivity At Work, Making Things Happen In Organizations, Sharon K. Parker and Uta K. Bindl, Routledge, New York, 19 , 530-558

Articles scientifiques

A Person-Centered Approach to Behaving Badly at Work: An Examination of Workplace Deviance Patterns

Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024, vol. 109, n° 11, pp 1742-1764, (in coll. with B. BIGELOW, J. KAUTZ, N. C. CARPENTER)

Team conflict at the core: Exploring the influence of critical team member conflict on team creative functioning

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, juin 2024, vol. 97, n° 2, pp 424-451, (in coll. with H. Liao, N. Li, Y. Han)

Getting from Valid to Useful: End User Modifiability and Human Capital Analytics Implementation in Selection

Human Resource Management, novembre-décembre 2023, vol. 62, n° 6, pp 917-932, (in coll. with P. E. DOWNES, D. G. ALLEN)

Leveraging Relational Analytics in Human Resource Research and Practice

Human Resource Management, juillet-août 2023, vol. 62, n° 4, pp 377-389, (in coll. with S. M. SOLTIS, J. R. METHOT, J. H. GITTELL)


Scaling for Success: People Priorities for High Growth Organizations

Columbia Business School Publishing (in coll. with A. C. BARTLOW )

3D team leadership: A new approach for complex teams

Stanford University Press (in coll. with B. L. KIRKMAN )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Boomerang employees

The Sage Encyclopedia Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology, Steven G. Rogelberg, SAGE Publications, 2nd Edition , 126-127

Teams and Proactivity

Proactivity At Work, Making Things Happen In Organizations, Sharon K. Parker and Uta K. Bindl, Routledge, New York, 19 , 530-558


  • Ph.D. en Management, Texas A&M University - Etats-Unis
  • Master, Sciences de Gestion, -, University of Florida - Etats-Unis

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2022- Professeur HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2018-2021 Professeur Associé, Management et Leadership Texas Christian University
  • 2020- Affiliated Faculty University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
  • 2012-2015 Assistant Professor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Southern Management Association

Prix ​​& honneurs

  • 2020 Rhodes Professor of the Year
  • 2019 Poets and Quants Best 40 Professors Under 40 List
  • 2018 Innovation in Teaching Curriculum Award
  • 2018 Best Reviewer Award, Personnel Psychology