Veronique MALLERET
Emeritus Professor
Accounting and Management Control
Véronique Malleret holds an Msc. degree from HEC, a PhD in operations management and a PhD in management from Paris-Dauphine University. She is a qualified PhD supervisor and ITP alumni.
Her research interest focuses on management control and on performance evaluation of service industries and functional departments. She has published in Management Accounting Research, European Management Journal, Comptabilité-Contrôle- Audit et Finance Contrôle Stratégie.
She teaches management accounting, management control and services management in all the programmes of HEC: Msc, MBA and Exed and as a visiting professor at ESADE and Aarhus School of Business.
She was the winner of the HEC Foundation best article Prize in 1995 and of the David Solomon Prize for her article in Management Accounting Research in 2004.
She has held various positions within HEC and has been Dean for Faculty and Research between 2007 and 2011.
Scientific articles
International Journal of Emerging Markets, September 2016, vol. 11, n° 4, pp 514 - 532, (in coll. with Y. DING, S. R. VELAMURI)
Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, June 2009, vol. 1, n° 15, pp 7-34,
Finance Contrôle Stratégie, September 2006, vol. 9, n° 3,
European Management Journal, February 2006, vol. 24, n° 1, pp 106-116,
Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, february, 3 2004, vol. 2, n° 10, pp 155-178, (in coll. with S. Alcouffe)
Management Accounting Research, 2004, vol. 15, n° 2, pp 107-134, (in coll. with A. Bourguignon, H. Norreklit)
Gérer et Comprendre, february, 3 2004, n° 78,
Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, december, 2 2002, pp 7-60, (in coll. with A. Bourguignon, H. Norreklit)
Okonomistyring & Informatik, October 2000, n° 2, pp 123-150, (in coll. with H. Norreklit)
Economies et Sociétés, 1999, n° 5, pp 71-96,
Dunod (in coll. with C. MENDOZA)
Dunod (in coll. with H. LONING, J. MERIC, Y. PESQUEUX)
Dunod (in coll. with H. LONING, J. MERIC, Y. PESQUEUX, A. SOLE)
Gualino Editeur (in coll. with C. MENDOZA, E. CAUVIN, M.-H. DELMOND, P. DOBLER)
Dunod (in coll. with E. CHIAPELLO, A. SOLE, H. LONING, D. MICHEL, Y. PESQUEUX)
Dunod (in coll. with A. SOLE, E. CHIAPELLO, H. LONING, Y. PESQUEUX, D. MICHEL)
Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur (in coll. with C. Mendoza, E. Cauvin, M.-H. DELMOND, P. Dobler)
Dunod (in coll. with H. LONING, A. SOLE, E. CHIAPELLO, D. MICHEL, Y. PESQUEUX)
Chapters in edited books
Mondialisation Des Services - Innovation Et Dynamiques Territoriales, M. C. Monnoyer, P. Ternaux (Eds), Editions L'Harmattan, 63-82
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 189-193
Les Grands Auteurs En Contrôle De Gestion, H. Bouquin (Ed.), Editions Management & Société, 333-346
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 219-223
Questoes De Controlo E Gestao, RES Editore LDA, Lisbonne, chap. 6
Questions De Contrôle, L. Collins (Ed.), Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), 149-172
Le Contrôle De Gestion, H. Löning, Y. Pesqueux (Eds), Dunod
Le Contrôle De Gestion, H. Löning, Y. Pesqueux (Eds), Dunod
L'École Des Managers De Demain, ouvrage collectif des professeurs du Groupe HEC, Editions Economica
Actes du 24e Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (cédérom) , 2003 , Louvain-la-Neuve
Actes du 23e Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité , 2002 , Toulouse (S. Alcouffe)
Actes de la Journée Qualité, ANFH Picardie , 1997
Actes du XVIIe Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité , 1996 , Valenciennes
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2005
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2004
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2002
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2001
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2001
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1998
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1993
Case Studies
Scientific articles
International Journal of Emerging Markets, September 2016, vol. 11, n° 4, pp 514 - 532, (in coll. with Y. DING, S. R. VELAMURI)
Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, June 2009, vol. 1, n° 15, pp 7-34,
Finance Contrôle Stratégie, September 2006, vol. 9, n° 3,
European Management Journal, February 2006, vol. 24, n° 1, pp 106-116,
Dunod (in coll. with C. MENDOZA)
Dunod (in coll. with H. LONING, J. MERIC, Y. PESQUEUX)
Dunod (in coll. with H. LONING, J. MERIC, Y. PESQUEUX, A. SOLE)
Gualino Editeur (in coll. with C. MENDOZA, E. CAUVIN, M.-H. DELMOND, P. DOBLER)
Chapters in edited books
Mondialisation Des Services - Innovation Et Dynamiques Territoriales, M. C. Monnoyer, P. Ternaux (Eds), Editions L'Harmattan, 63-82
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 189-193
Les Grands Auteurs En Contrôle De Gestion, H. Bouquin (Ed.), Editions Management & Société, 333-346
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 219-223
Actes du 24e Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (cédérom) , 2003 , Louvain-la-Neuve
Actes du 23e Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité , 2002 , Toulouse (S. Alcouffe)
Actes de la Journée Qualité, ANFH Picardie , 1997
Actes du XVIIe Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité , 1996 , Valenciennes
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2005
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2004
Case Studies
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2016- Emeritus Professor, Accounting and Management Control HEC Paris
- 2006-2016 Professor HEC Paris
- 2014- Course leader, Business Performance Management, EMBA Programme HEC Paris
- 2004-2014 Member, GREGHEC (CNRS) HEC Paris
- 2007-2011 Dean of the Faculty and Research HEC Paris
- 2006-2007 Coordinator of the Executive Education Programme "CESA Contrôle"; Academic Director of the part time Specialized Master "Gestion Financière" HEC Paris
- 2005-2007 Coordinator, Performance Measurement and Management course, MSc Programme (M1) HEC Paris
- 1997-2006 Associate Professor HEC Paris
- 2001-2005 Coordinator of master’s theses for MSc students in exchange programmes (M2) HEC Paris
- 2001-2004 Department Head, Accounting and Management Control HEC Paris
- 2002-2003 Academic advisor of the MBA Programme for Management Accounting HEC Paris
- 1993-1997 Project manager for different Executive Education programmes (CNOUS, CPR, Saint-Gobain) HEC Paris
- 1991-1995 Coordinator, Management Control course, MSc Programme (M1) HEC Paris
External Academic Responsibilities
- 2015- Dean for Faculty & Research Baltic Management Institute
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member of the Association Francophone de Comptabilite (AFC) - French Accounting Association
- Member of the European Accounting Association (EAA)
Editorial activities
Awards & honors
- 2017 Prix Top Cas CCMP 2017 en Comptabilite Controle de Gestion, pour "5 mini-cas de comptabilite de gestion - cout complet"
- 2004 2004 David Solomon Prize, "The American Balanced Scorecard versus the French Tableau de bord : the ideological dimension", Management Accounting Research, juin 2004
- 1994 Fondation HEC Prize for the Article :"Methodes d'evaluation des performances des services fonctionnels", Revue Francaise de Comptabilite, n 259.