Ever since the arrival of the AI boom, this technology has been revolutionizing industries by enabling both sophisticated decision-making systems at...
By Christophe Pérignon
Pillar 1 of the five pillars of the 3rd AI Action Summit : " AI in the service of the general interest " According to the Summit organisers, AI should be...
By Julien Grand-Clément
The AI Action Summit’s fourth pillar is “ Trust in Artificial Intelligence ”. Organizers acknowledge the very real risks linked to the integration of AI...
By David Restrepo Amariles
Pillar 2 of the five pillars of the 3rd AI Action Summit : " The Future of Work " The AI Summit’s second theme on labor focuses on promoting the...
By Aluna Wang
Recent elections, G20 summits, and CEO pay scandals have brought inequality to the forefront of the news. Economists often point out that decisions on...
By Brian Hill
The big data revolution - the integration of vast amounts of data through Artificial Intelligence - has far-reaching economic implications, particularly...
By Thierry Foucault
Digital platforms function as private regulators in the society. What are the consequences, direct and unintended, of these platforms’ rule-making...
By interrogating the dominance of English and the myth of meritocracy, professors Daniel Martinez and Keith Robson uncover how language and social...
By Daniel Martinez Ahloy, Keith Robson
Shocking images get our attention, but the effects might be more nuanced than marketers realise, say Professors L.J. Shrum of HEC Paris and Elena...
By L. J. Shrum
Ratings and rankings are frequently used to motivate companies to become good corporate citizens. The late Wooseok Jung, Assistant Professor of...