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Dimitrios A. ANDRITSOS

Professeur Associé

Information Systems et Operations Management

 Profile picture


Dimitrios Andritsos est professeur associé en systèmes d'information et gestion des opérations à HEC Paris.

Ses recherches s'appuient sur des techniques d'analyse de données pour explorer trois grands thèmes : i) les implications opérationnelles de la politique de santé, ii) la conception de processus en tant que moteur de l'efficacité dans la prestation de soins de santé et iii) l'innovation de processus et son impact tout au long de la chaîne de valeur pharmaceutique.

Dimitrios a publié ses travaux dans des revues de gestion de premier plan et a été reconnu lors de diverses conférences universitaires à l'étranger. Il collabore régulièrement avec des centres médicaux universitaires en Europe et aux États-Unis pour améliorer l'efficacité des différents aspects de la prestation de soins.

Dimitrios enseigne divers cours sur la gestion des services et des opérations au niveau de la pré-expérience, du MBA à plein temps et du MBA exécutif et est le directeur académique de la majeure EMBA sur la gestion des services. Il a été deux fois nominé pour le prix de l'école HEC Paris pour l'excellence de l'enseignement dans tous les programmes.

Articles scientifiques

Manufacturing process innovation in the pharmaceutical industry

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, mai-juin 2022, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 1760-1778, (in coll. with I. LUGOVOI, C. SENOT)

Novelty and scope of process innovation: The role of related and unrelated manufacturing experience

Production and Operations Management, octobre 2022, vol. 31, n° 10, pp 3877-3895, (in coll. with I. Lugovoi, C. Senot)

Incentive programs for reducing readmissions when patient care is co-produced

Production and Operations Management, juin 2018, vol. 27, n° 6, pp 999-1020, (in coll. with C. S. TANG)

Scheduling non-operating room anesthesia cases in endoscopy: using the sandbox analogy

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, aout 2017, vol. 40, pp 1-6, (in coll. with M. TSAI, L. CIPRI, S. O’DONNELL, M. FISHER)

The operational impact of an acute care surgical service on operating room metrics

Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management, septembre 2017, vol. 8, pp 38-41, (in coll. with A. N. PAINE, J. R. FITZGERALD, M. C. NOROTSKY, A. K. MALHOTRA, M. H. TSAI)

Competition and The Operational Performance of Hospitals: The Role of Hospital Objectives

Production and Operations Management, novembre 2015, vol. 24, n° 11, pp 1812–1832, (in coll. with S. AFLAKI)

Linking Process Quality and Resource Usage: An Empirical Analysis

Production and Operations Management, 3 février 2014, vol. 23, n° 12, pp 2163-2177, (in coll. with C. TANG)

Introducing competition in healthcare services: the role of private care and increased patient mobility

European Journal of Operational Research, 2 décembre 2014, vol. 234, n° 3, pp 898-909, (in coll. with C. S. TANG)

The Impact of Cross-Border Patient Movement on the Delivery of Healthcare Services

International Journal of Production Economics, octobre 2013, vol. 145, n° 2, pp 702-712, (in coll. with C. S. TANG)

Launching New Products through Exclusive Sales Channels

European Journal of Operational Research, juillet 2010, vol. 204, n° 2, pp 366-375, (in coll. with C. TANG)

Actes de conférence

Physician dual practice: Service quality, altruism and profit-seeking

5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management , 2016 , La Havane , 0 , 0 (V. KOSTAMI)

AGENT Code: Open Architecture Analysis and Configuration of Research Reactors-Graphic Tools

Proceedings of PHYSOR 2004 "The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments" , 2004 , Chicago (T. Jevremovic)

INIE Collaboration between UIUC and Purdue on Virtual Reactor Development

Proceedings of the ANS Winter Meeting "Leadership Towards a Progressive, Integrated Nuclear Community Going Forward Together" , 2004 , Washington (T. Jevremovic, J. Stubbins, R. Uddin, J. Griffith, N. Karancevic)

Method of Characteristics versus Monte Carlo Techniques in Research Reactors Modeling

Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference , 2004 , Hawaii (K. Retzke, Y. Peng, H. Lee, T. JEVREMOVIC)

Cahiers de recherche

Articles scientifiques

Manufacturing process innovation in the pharmaceutical industry

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, mai-juin 2022, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 1760-1778, (in coll. with I. LUGOVOI, C. SENOT)

Novelty and scope of process innovation: The role of related and unrelated manufacturing experience

Production and Operations Management, octobre 2022, vol. 31, n° 10, pp 3877-3895, (in coll. with I. Lugovoi, C. Senot)

Incentive programs for reducing readmissions when patient care is co-produced

Production and Operations Management, juin 2018, vol. 27, n° 6, pp 999-1020, (in coll. with C. S. TANG)

Scheduling non-operating room anesthesia cases in endoscopy: using the sandbox analogy

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, aout 2017, vol. 40, pp 1-6, (in coll. with M. TSAI, L. CIPRI, S. O’DONNELL, M. FISHER)

Actes de conférence

Physician dual practice: Service quality, altruism and profit-seeking

5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management , 2016 , La Havane , 0 , 0 (V. KOSTAMI)

AGENT Code: Open Architecture Analysis and Configuration of Research Reactors-Graphic Tools

Proceedings of PHYSOR 2004 "The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments" , 2004 , Chicago (T. Jevremovic)

INIE Collaboration between UIUC and Purdue on Virtual Reactor Development

Proceedings of the ANS Winter Meeting "Leadership Towards a Progressive, Integrated Nuclear Community Going Forward Together" , 2004 , Washington (T. Jevremovic, J. Stubbins, R. Uddin, J. Griffith, N. Karancevic)

Method of Characteristics versus Monte Carlo Techniques in Research Reactors Modeling

Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference , 2004 , Hawaii (K. Retzke, Y. Peng, H. Lee, T. JEVREMOVIC)

Cahiers de recherche


  • Ph.D. in Management, UCLA, University of California at Los Angeles - Etats-Unis
  • M.Sc. of Engineering in Logistics, MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Etats-Unis
  • M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, School of Industrial Engineering - Etats-Unis
  • B.A. in Mining Engineering and Metallurgy, National Technical University of Athens - Grèce

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2016- Professeur Associé HEC Paris
  • 2011-2016 Professeur Assistant HEC Paris
  • 2011- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2007-2010 Teaching Assistant, UCLA UCLA, University of California at Los Angeles

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
  • Institute of Industrial Engineers

Activités scientifiques

  • Ad-hoc rapporteur, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research

  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2014 Best paper award of the 2nd Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare Conference for “Linking process quality and resource usage: an empirical analysis" forthcoming at POM journal