The class of 2022-23 of the Master of Science X-HEC Entrepreneurs has reached a new milestone!

The recent Entr'aide 2 seminar in the Jura region of France marks the end of a pivotal period for the 120 students of the Master's program, with a week of testimonies and reflections on the vision of entrepreneurship and a meeting with some 30 former students of the program. Here is a look back at the various highlights of the year that make up this flagship program of HEC Paris and Ecole Polytechnique.

Equipping students with concrete missions
Created in 1978 to train managers and future managers, the HEC-Entrepreneurs Master's program, which quickly gained an international reputation, has not aged a bit! The secret of its success? An active and formative pedagogy in tune with the times, a unique spirit and a prestigious partnership with the Ecole Polytechnique. We'll let you judge for yourself...
From the beginning of the school year, students' days are punctuated by the "Learning Phase". If the name implies a traditional learning process, it's nothing of the sort! This first semester is characterized by a Start Up Mission presented last October at the Musée des Arts et Métiers in front of nearly 300 participants, as well as a 'Restructuring Mission' presented at the very end of the semester. These two missions are unquestionably based on a hands-on pedagogy and 'learning by doing' - trademarks of HEC Paris and its Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.

With the Restructuring Mission, students work on real company case, alongside court-appointed administrators, and then present their file to experts in the profession, notably members of the ARE (Association de Retournement des Entreprises), the partner of this mission. A unique exercise for the 120 students!

“Entrepreneurship is taught to them through projects led by entrepreneurs. At this stage, the students do not yet feel the emotional aspect because it is not their project, but it prepares them for the start of the creation of their own company in January."
- Margot Boulet-Maurel, Executive Director of X-HEC Entrepreneurs
A key moment for each milestone
Taking a closer look, the impactful pedagogy of HEC Paris remains the pillar of this Master's program. The second semester, which is the 'Test' phase, begins with the Ent'raid 2 seminar in the Jura Mountains. This is an unparalleled experience for the students, and its objective is to make them question their vision of entrepreneurship and the construction of their team.
The semester does not end there. Students then have the choice of accompanying a company director who is taking over a company thanks to the 'Company Takeover Mission' or setting up their own projects by joining the acceleration program of their choice. In Paris, via the Launchpad, the Bio Entrepreneurs program and the Fintech program, in the United States at the University of California at Berkeley or in Singapore, at the Singapore Management University (SMU). This is a fantastic field experience followed by an inspiring 'learning expedition' in the Silicon Valley where students meet with Californian entrepreneurs. The Master's program definitely offers many concrete experiences in the world of entrepreneurship! Marie Debié, a recent graduate of the Master X-HEC Entrepreneurs and co-founder of Tranché! recalls:
“I still remember with emotion our visit to the Alaena spa last year. Seeing very concrete projects from students who were just one year older opened up a real field of possibilities and motivated us to launch our own business directly after the Master”
The next phase, called Consolidate, aims to train students to become entrepreneurs by developing their soft skills and to accompany them in the development of their projects. As for the last semester - because all good things must come to an end - some students dedicate it to the creation of their company, while others do an internship as a "right hand" in a start-up.
Before graduating, each student is also required to write a professional thesis. The best research work is then published as a book by Editions Atlande as part of the HEC Entrepreneurs prize.
The Master X-HEC Entrepreneurs, a program that never stops evolving... always in the right direction!
Although this is a program with an old but proven pedagogy that is still relevant today, the Master's program is constantly evolving, especially in terms of gender, opportunities and impact. And its students have a real role to play!
This latest class is very diverse, with 13 nationalities and 40% women. The program is committed to parity in entrepreneurship, particularly through the creation three years ago of the BoostHer bootcamp, which aims to encourage women to become entrepreneurs. This intensive seminar brings together female students and more experienced entrepreneurs to discuss key entrepreneurial topics such as access to financing, leadership, self-confidence and negotiation.

In terms of novelties, the program is creating a new study trip this year, called eco-LEX. Co-constructed with its students, it will allow them to immerse themselves in the entrepreneurial ecosystems of Copenhagen and Stockholm with a focus on companies with social, societal or environmental impact.
Finally, for the very first time in January, they will attend an evening of conferences around impact, organized by two students of the current class. Guest speakers will include Tatiana Jama, founder of the venture capital fund SISTA Fund, Manuel Patrouillard, Global Managing Director of Handicap International, Alban du Rostu, Managing Director of the Common Good Fund and Alexandra Palt, CEO of the L'Oréal Foundation.
Do these new features of 2022-2023 suggest new developments for the next school year of the Master of Science X-HEC Entrepreneurs? To be continued...