Record attendance at the Foundation's annual event!
This year, more than 450 donors, graduates, friends of HEC, corporate partners, students and employees gathered at the Salle Gaveau in Paris with Delphine Colson (H.94), Executive Director of the Foundation, to celebrate the collective progress of the School and the programs supported through the generosity of donors and corporate partners.

After a magnificent musical introduction on the piano by Mathis, Jean-Paul Agon (H.78), Chairman of the School's Board of Directors, and Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90), President of the Foundation, spoke about the fire that broke out on the campus in early October. They called on the entire community to contribute, whatever the level of donation, towards rebuilding a new amphitheater for the School! This is a great opportunity for us all to get involved in shaping the campus of the future! To find out more, see the dedicated page on our website.
Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90), President of the Foundation, emphasized the essential role of the Foundation for HEC Paris, and Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of the School, explained some of the major advances in the 4 pillars of development:
- HEC's capacity to attract and develop talent
- its ability to accelerate innovation
- to create knowledge that changes the world
- to act as a powerful platform that leverages impact, serving the common good and the greatest number of people
This was followed by presentations from four young talents. To illustrate the impact of donations, Sarah (H.24), a recipient of the PACT Afrique program, Abdallah, a finalist in Eloquentia@HEC, Justin (H.26), a beneficiary of several of the Foundation's programs from the preparatory class onwards, and Fatoumata, a participant in HEC Stand Up, came on stage to share their experiences and the role the HEC Foundation has played in their careers. A powerful and highly emotional moment!
Watch the replay of this event
You will see the tangible impact of our patrons' support for HEC through inspiring stories and impressive student performances !
As you are aware, corporate partners provide essential support, helping to amplify HEC's impact on the economy and society. To highlight these transformative partnerships for the School, we invited three corporate representatives: Gwenaelle Avice Huet, Executive Vice President of Europe Operations, Schneider Electric, Christopher Guérin, CEO, Nexans and Hervé Hélias (H.86), Chairman and CEO, Mazars Group. This round table gave each participant the opportunity to share the meaning of their company's commitment to HEC Paris.
This year, we chose to highlight a few examples of collective action initiated by graduates, whether students, regular donors or new donors. Adrien Couret (H.07), President of HEC Alumni, Rémi Buttiaux (H.99), Chairman of the Foundation's Campaign Committee and Hélène Gronier, Donor Development Manager at the Foundation, took advantage of the evening to thank people for these collective initiatives and unveil the rankings of the year groups that have contributed the most!
Finally, to round off this magnificent evening, Edouard (H.24), student and member of the HEC Eloquence association, gave us an excellent slam performance recounting the values shared by the Foundation and the School. A unique moment that won over the audience! See the "slam" from Edouard by clicking here.