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Stefania MINARDI

Professeur Associé

Economie et Sciences de la Décision

 Profile picture


Stefania Minardi a obtenu un doctorat en économie à l'Université de New York en 2012 et un diplôme Laurea en économie à l'Université de Turin en 2006.

Elle travaille en économie théorique et, en particulier, théorie de la décision. Ses sujets de recherche comprennent l'étude de la prise de décision sous incertitude, les préférences sociales et les préférences intertemporelles.

Articles scientifiques

Consumption of Values

Management Science, À paraître, (in coll. with F. WANG, I. GILBOA)

Schumpeter Lecture 2023: Rationality and Zero Risk

Journal of the European Economic Association, février 2024, vol. 22, n° 1, pp 1-33, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, F. WANG)

Sources of Uncertainty and Subjective Prices

Journal of the European Economic Association, avril 2021, vol. 19, n° 2, pp 872-912, (in coll. with V. CAPPELLI, S. CERREIA-VIOGLIO, F. MACCHERONI, M. MARINACCI)

States and Contingencies: How to Understand Savage without Anyone Being Hanged

Revue Economique, 2020, vol. 71, n° 2, pp 365-385, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, L. SAMUELSON, D. SCHMEIDLER)

Theories and Cases in Decisions under Uncertainty

Games and Economic Behavior, septembre 2020, vol. 123, pp 22-40, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, L. SAMUELSON)

Subjective Contingencies and Limited Bayesian Updating

Journal of Economic Theory, septembre 2019, vol. 183, pp 1-45, (in coll. with Andrei SAVOCHKIN)

Characterizations of Smooth Ambiguity Based on Continuous and Discrete Data

Mathematics of Operations Research, février 2017, vol. 42, n° 1, pp 167-178, (in coll. with A. SAVOCHKIN)

Warm-Glow Giving and Freedom to be Selfish

Economic Journal, août 2017, vol. 127, n° 603, pp 1381–1409, (in coll. with O. EVREN)

Preferences with grades of indecisiveness

Journal of Economic Theory, janvier 2015, vol. 155, pp 300-331, (in coll. with A. SAVOCHKIN)

Cahiers de recherche

Consumption of Values

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020

Time for Memorable Consumption

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2019

Cases and Scenarios in Decisions Under Uncertainty

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2017

Subjective Contingencies and Limited Bayesian Updating

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2017

Articles scientifiques

Schumpeter Lecture 2023: Rationality and Zero Risk

Journal of the European Economic Association, février 2024, vol. 22, n° 1, pp 1-33, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, F. WANG)

Sources of Uncertainty and Subjective Prices

Journal of the European Economic Association, avril 2021, vol. 19, n° 2, pp 872-912, (in coll. with V. CAPPELLI, S. CERREIA-VIOGLIO, F. MACCHERONI, M. MARINACCI)

States and Contingencies: How to Understand Savage without Anyone Being Hanged

Revue Economique, 2020, vol. 71, n° 2, pp 365-385, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, L. SAMUELSON, D. SCHMEIDLER)

Theories and Cases in Decisions under Uncertainty

Games and Economic Behavior, septembre 2020, vol. 123, pp 22-40, (in coll. with I. GILBOA, L. SAMUELSON)

Cahiers de recherche


  • Ph.D. in Economics, New York University - Etats-Unis
  • Laurea Magistrale (M.A.) in Economics, Summa cum Laude, Università degli Studi di Torino - Italie
  • Laurea Triennale (B.A.) in Economics, Summa cum Laude, Università degli Studi di Torino - Italie

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2023- Coordinateur de département, Economie et Sciences de la Décision HEC Paris
  • 2017- Professeur Associé, Economie - Sciences de la Décision HEC Paris
  • 2012-2017 Professeur Assistant HEC Paris
  • 2015- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2010-2011 Teaching Assistant in Economic Principles New York University

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • Rapporter - Decisions in Economics and Finance, Dynamic Games and Applications, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, European Journal of Operational Research, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Management Science, Mathematical Social Sciences, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Quantitative Economics, Research in Economics, Review of Economic Studies, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Theoretical Economics, Theory and Decision

  • Conference organisation

  • 2019- ESEM Program Committee Member
  • 2018-2023 Time Uncertainties and Strategies, co-organizer
  • 2017-2023 D-TEA, co-organizer
  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2007 Marco Fanno Fellowship, Mediocredito Centrale
    • 2004 Optime Prize awarded to outstanding graduates