Executive Short Programs Executive Short Programs
A Program for every need
No matter what point you are at in your career, you will always need to acquire, develop, strengthen, or update your skills. We offer a wide range of short programs to meet your specific needs and help you on your lifelong learning journey.
of our participants in 2022/23 chort rated these short programs between 4 and 5 on a scale of 1 to 5
of our participants in 2022/23 cohort have obtained their training
Discover our executive short programs
We provide short programs (for 20 to 30 of our participants) in key fields of management. Just select the theme you are interested in to discover the different programs we offer and complete an application form by clicking on the "Sign up” tab. It will only take you a few minutes.
Registration for short programs usually opens 6 months before the program begins and closes about 15 days before the start date of the program

Stratégie Digitale

Développer son potentiel de leader

Intelligence collective et innovation collaborative

Maîtriser les soft skills d'un management agile

Réussir ses négociations

Accompagner les transformations permanentes

Manager les équipes dans le changement

Stratégie de prix

Management à distance

Sustainable transition management

Elaborer Une Strategie Et Manager Sa Performance

Piloter l'exécution de la stratégie de l'entreprise

Mastering strategic negotiations

Fundamentals of Digital Transformation

Management de l'innovation

Construire une stratégie Data et IA

Leading with impact

Réussir la transition bas-carbone

Mettre en oeuvre le développement durable dans les entreprises

Diriger dans l'incertitude

Doing business in a complex world

Leadership for Executives

Enhancing your leadership skills

Leadership Stratégique

Inclusive leader in a diverse world

Développer un leadership durable

Leadership au féminin

Women Leadership Program

Purpose & Performance

Leadership for Executives - London

Maîtriser les outils de management de la performance

Finance for non-financial executives

Approfondir l’analyse financière et bien choisir ses investissements

Les outils de financement de la croissance

Mettre en oeuvre le management de la performance

Finance pour non financiers

Analyser un business plan et évaluer une entreprise

Piloter la performance extra-financière et l’impact esg

Stratégie financière pour décideurs

Maitriser le financement de l’entreprise et les opérations de Fusions-Acquisitions

Marketing stratégique

Data-driven Strategy & Big Data

Stratégie commerciale

Marketing digital

Marketing Strategy

Performance commerciale

Nouvelles tendances en marketing

Management des équipes commerciales

IA & Data en Marketing

AI ready for business

AI in Marketing Strategy

Stratégies de marque

Scaling for Success

Développer son leadership par la posture coach

Identifying the major sustainability challenges

Embedding sustainability into main corporate functions

Building innovative and sustainable business models

Intégrer le développement durable dans la stratégie de l’entreprise

Stratégie Digitale

Développer son potentiel de leader

Intelligence collective et innovation collaborative

Maîtriser les soft skills d'un management agile

Réussir ses négociations

Accompagner les transformations permanentes

Manager les équipes dans le changement

Stratégie de prix

Management à distance

Sustainable transition management

Elaborer Une Strategie Et Manager Sa Performance

Piloter l'exécution de la stratégie de l'entreprise

Mastering strategic negotiations

Fundamentals of Digital Transformation

Management de l'innovation

Construire une stratégie Data et IA

Leading with impact

Réussir la transition bas-carbone

Mettre en oeuvre le développement durable dans les entreprises

Diriger dans l'incertitude

Doing business in a complex world

Développer son potentiel de leader

Manager les équipes dans le changement

Leadership for Executives

Enhancing your leadership skills

Leadership Stratégique

Inclusive leader in a diverse world

Développer un leadership durable

Leadership au féminin

Women Leadership Program

Leading with impact

Purpose & Performance

Leadership for Executives - London

Maîtriser les outils de management de la performance

Finance for non-financial executives

Approfondir l’analyse financière et bien choisir ses investissements

Les outils de financement de la croissance

Mettre en oeuvre le management de la performance

Finance pour non financiers

Analyser un business plan et évaluer une entreprise

Piloter la performance extra-financière et l’impact esg

Stratégie financière pour décideurs

Maitriser le financement de l’entreprise et les opérations de Fusions-Acquisitions

Marketing stratégique

Réussir ses négociations

Data-driven Strategy & Big Data

Stratégie commerciale

Marketing digital

Marketing Strategy

Performance commerciale

Construire une stratégie Data et IA

Nouvelles tendances en marketing

Management des équipes commerciales

IA & Data en Marketing

AI ready for business

AI in Marketing Strategy

Stratégies de marque

Fundamentals of Digital Transformation

Sustainable transition management

Scaling for Success

Développer son leadership par la posture coach

Sustainable transition management

Identifying the major sustainability challenges

Embedding sustainability into main corporate functions

Building innovative and sustainable business models

Piloter la performance extra-financière et l’impact esg

Intégrer le développement durable dans la stratégie de l’entreprise

Réussir la transition bas-carbone

Mettre en oeuvre le développement durable dans les entreprises

Développer un leadership durable

Admission & Prerequisites
Our mission is to help you to help develop your skills throughout your career. Our Executive Short Programs are aimed at all senior managers, executives, leaders, functional or operational managers and professionals, with 5 years of professional experience, who wish to acquire, develop, strengthen or update their skills.
program personalization
Completing a short program might make you eligible to join one of our Executive Certificates and Master Degrees as a part of our “knowledge capitalization” program. Please contact us for further information.
Short Programs are targeted training sessions lasting from 1 to 5 days, which enable you to realize your projects quickly, accelerate personal development and support the objectives of your company
The contents of the short programs are updated each year and are adapted to the changing economic context.
Group work is carried out in class and presented to the other participants during the program.
The following evaluation methods can be used depending on the program concerned: multiple choice questionnaires, case studies, group work, etc.
You will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of your program.
They did it, why not you?

* Net price, HEC Paris not being subject to VAT. The indicated prices are subject to change according to the session dates. When there are multiple start dates, the indicated price is that of the first listed date. The teaching teams and the program content are also subject to change.