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Western & Central Africa Representative Office

As a partner in Africa's economy and success, HEC Paris opened a representative office in Abidjan in 2018 to develop its presence in Côte d'Ivoire and other West and Central African countries such as Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.

General view of the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast (© Roman Yanushevsky - AdobeStock)


With a presence on the African continent since 2007, HEC Paris has already trained more than 25,000 executives on the continent through its various programs.

The Abidjan office, which opened in July 2018, aims to train African executives locally in management, finance and digital professions through a diversified executive education offer. HEC Paris hopes to turn the Ivorian capital into a true training hub, building a bridge between West and Central Africa.

The activities of the Abidjan office are carried out through 3 specific programs:

  • The PACT Afrique equal opportunity program, which aims to broaden the horizons of young people from the continent by preparing them for the international entrance exams of the Grande Ecole program at HEC Paris;
  • the GEMM (Global Executive Master in Management) program, which responds to a local need for executive education;
  • the Challenge+ Afrique program, which is open to all entrepreneurs on the African continent, particularly those with innovative projects with a high impact on African socio-economic development.


Maison de l’Entreprise- CGECI
01 BP 8666 Plateau Abidjan 01
Abidjan - Côte d’Ivoire 

Newsletter "Africa Connections"


HEC Paris - Africa Connections

 Latest issue: 

 September 2024 

Find below the previous issues of the "Africa Connections" newsletter.

January 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024


Executive MBA in Abidjan Oct 2020
HEC Paris - Premier Gala des Diplômés d'HEC Paris en Côte d'Ivoire
Certificat Executive HEC Paris Leadership et Entrepreneuriat Abidjan


Ibrahima Cheikh Diong
The keynote speech at the HEC Climate Day, organized by the Climate & Earth Center, was delivered by Ibrahima Diong. He highlighted the importance of bridging the academic world with on-the-ground efforts...
HEC PARIS INPHB voyage d'études
From 22 to 30 May, 10 students of the Master en Entrepreneuriat et Innovation (MEI), delivered by the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) and HEC Paris, travelled to France for...
HEC Challenge + Dakar et Abidjan
From February 12th to 15th, 2024, Côte d'Ivoire warmly welcomed the HEC Challenge + Dakar promotion, following the recent launch of the HEC Paris program in Senegal. Over four intense days, project...
During an event held on 17 February in Abidjan, 45 students from the 2023/2024 Ivorian PACT students and 5 of their mentors based in Côte d'Ivoire got the opportunity to know each other better and deepen...
International-news-visite lycée français RDC
21 students of "Première" (penultimate year of secondary school in the French system) from the Lycée français Blaise Pascal in Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of Congo) visited the HEC Paris campus in...
The Dean and General Director of HEC Paris, Eloïc Peyrache, visited Côte d'Ivoire in September. The visit, marked by several milestones, testifies to the school's active presence in a booming ecosystem...
HEC Paris enjoyed its 142nd graduation ceremony over the course of two sunny June days on the Jouy-en-Josas campus. In Part I, we described the 50th anniversary of women student admission to the school...
On Wednesday October 7th, the 22 African students from the first three "PACT Afrique" classes, all admitted to the MiM Grande Ecole Program at HEC Paris, met on campus with Bertrand Schwab, Major Donor of...
© HEC Paris - Ivorian students
In September 2020, HEC Paris recruited a record number of Ivorian students for its Grande Ecole program. This is a key element of its Africa Strategy 2015-2025 program which seeks to attract the academic...
Hacking Covid-19 - HEC Paris
A 48-hour hackathon is being held over the weekend of 10-12 April, with the aim of developing solutions to address the most urgent health, social and financial problems caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. Co...
© memyselfaneye –
HEC MBA student Steve Tchuente spearheaded a successful 48-hour drive to win the prestigious MIT Hackathon, this year devoted to combating COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa. His AccuroLab platform was one of...
HEC Paris - Etudiants ivoiriens
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, around 500 students have stayed on the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en-Josas, where they have had to respect France’s official quarantine rules. They number among those 300,000...
CGECI Academy 2019 - Abidjan
On October 14 and 15, the 8th edition of the CGECI Academy, a major economic forum for the private sector held each year in Abidjan, was organized by the General Confederation of Enterprises of Côte d...
This fall, the HEC representative office in West and Central Africa supported the promotion of the Executive MBA and Masters programs at HEC Paris. This consisted of an information session at its Abidjan...
Cap 2020
The CAP 2020 program has been running since 2017 in the Ivory Coast. It was designed to train over 3 years more than 5,700 senior civil servants, managers and agents from 11 ministries and public...
François Collin, Directeur délégué, Développement international - HEC Paris
The end of the year promises to be rich with new programs at the Regional Office in Abidjan. What are the dates to remember? On the 15th of November, following a Masterclass by Bernard Ramanantsoa, the...
HEC Paris - Lead Campus - ©Nathalie Oundjian
HEC Paris has created Lead Campus 2019, an international leadership program designed to understand and navigate the major economic, geopolitical, technological, social and environmental challenges facing...


Alexis John Ahyee
Alexis John-Ahyee

Maison de l’Entreprise- CGECI
01 BP 8666 Plateau Abidjan 01
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire 

Anaïs Chanthavong - HEC Paris
Anaïs Chanthavong
Program Manager (Abidjan)