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Discover how the HEC Paris-Antin 'Private Equity and Infrastructure' Certificate reshaped the views of students Christina and Carl, exploring the sector’s potential for long-term value creation, innovation, and societal impact.
On May 29, 2024, Alain Rauscher, co-founder and CEO of Antin Infrastructure Partners, and an HEC graduate, delivered a very inspirational talk to HEC Paris students as part of the Antin IP Private Equity and Infrastructure Certificate. Based on his personal experience, his presentation focused on ...
On Monday, January 29, 2024, BNP Paribas renewed its commitment to HEC Paris by signing up for a further three years to its teaching chair dedicated to corporate finance. Launched 12 years ago, now renamed "The Future of Finance" and directed by finance professor Pascal Quiry (H.84), this chair ...
The Rothschild & Co Impact Finance - Investment Banking Academy enables M1 Master students on the Grande Ecole program to discover the concrete application of social, environmental and governance (ESG) issues in finance. The first edition of this new finance elective took place in January 2023, and ...
“(Mis)information, truth and knowledge”, was the theme of the academic dialogue between Cyrille Vigneron, President and CEO of Cartier, and the two scientific directors of the ‘Turning Points’ Chair, HEC Paris Professor Anne Laure Sellier and ESCP Professor Benjamin Voyer. The October 5 roundtable ...
While France and the world have been buzzing since September for the 2023 Rugby World Cup, HEC Paris and Natixis organized the same weekend as the grand final between New Zealand and South Africa the first international mixed student rugby tournament, the HEC-Natixis Mixed Rugby Nations Cup, from ...
The HEC Paris ‘Women in Tech’ virtual round table marked its second edition on October 11th. To break down barriers, eight successful women, with varied backgrounds and positions in technology companies, gave students reasons to embrace a career in technology. This event is organized by HEC Talents ...
Cryptocurrencies, AI, corporate climate responsibility, GAFAM & competition rules or environmental law: the student dissertations rewarded over the last 20 years by the Allen & Overy - HEC Paris legal and tax award illustrate the relevance of law in analyzing major business trends and society in ...
The 25th Vernimmen Awards saw two top HEC academics rewarded for their outstanding approaches to transmitting knowledge to the business school’s students. The annual event celebrates teaching and innovative pedagogical methods, reflecting the pioneering works of the late HEC finance professor Pierre ...
Do you keep an eye on change and societal dynamics? Are you interested in becoming a spokesperson for your generation? If so, apply to become a content curator during the 2023/2024 academic year at the Gen Z Observatory, a Cartier - ESCP - HEC Paris Research Chair Initiative! Deadline Monday 2 ...