Webinar Series HEC Paris Insights
HEC Paris professors share their insights and expertise
Open access live webinars available in english or french
We would like to invite you to a webinar* series (run in English or French) designed to support you and your teams during this period of uncertainty and to help you prepare for the new normal.
We hope you can join us!
*Limited places
Webinars will also be offered in replay format.
HEC Paris insights - What is trust and why does it matter ? Hélène Löning
HEC Paris Insights - Who would pay a bribe ? insights on ethical dilemmas in business - A. Mehrpouya
HEC Insights - Beliefs and facts about risk and return in real estate - Christophe Spaenjers
HEC Insights Technostress - Can you translate your adversities into opportunities ? - S. Srivastava
HEC Insights - Inclusiveness Beyond Compliance - Matteo Winkler
As is demonstrated by some very recent court rulings, non-discrimination laws are expanding dramatically, generating new challenges for both counsel and corporate leaders.
Companies operating in cross-border settings are now subject to multiple possible layers of norms exceeding the traditional grounds of discrimination such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability and which came to include politically polarized issues like transgenderism and non-binary genders.
Acknowledging the diversity that characterizes the workplace and adopting the appropriate inclusive measures throughout the corporate structure now lay within the missions of most corporate leaders.
HEC Insights - CEO Activism - Georg Wernicke
The US Elections — And What They Mean For The Rest Of The World
Every generation seems to believe that their presidential election is historic. This generation of Americans, who is about to vote in November, is not different. But then again, it is hard to overstate the stakes of this coming election.
Two diametrically opposed visions of the United States are facing off, especially when you compare President Trump to his rival, former Vice-President Biden in the areas of economic policy, foreign policy and leadership style.
Would another Trump presidency be any different than the first one?
What would a Biden presidency change? For the United States?
And for the rest of the world?
We’ll look at the political dynamics of this campaign and the most significant policy questions that are at stake. We’ll explore the consequences of the election for the rest of the world, in particular in terms of American presence abroad, global economic and trade relations and the future of the relationship between the West and China.
La crise vecteur d’innovation et d’accélération des transformations économiques
Le mot « Crise » étymologiquement renvoie à un révélateur d’un changement (krisis en grec signifie jugement, passage au crible), ou signifie la manifestation grave d’une maladie (crisis en latin). Les crises et les plans de relance qui leur succèdent sont des accélérateurs de changements et des vecteurs importants d’innovations. Les fonds et crédits réinjectés dans l’économie ne sont jamais réinvestis à l’identique de la situation d’avant crise.
Certaines entreprises et secteurs qui étaient déjà en souffrance sont délaissés et risquent de disparaître ou de connaître un long cycle de difficultés économiques.
D’autres au contraire bénéficient déjà de nouvelles dynamiques soutenues par des investisseurs privilégiant bien évidemment les secteurs qui offrent le plus de perspectives d’avenir.
Si nous avons le devoir de réajuster nos organisations pour faire face à la récession actuelle, nous avons plus encore la nécessité de définir et de communiquer sur nos stratégies de long terme pour à la fois bénéficier des dynamiques des transformations économiques et regagner la confiance des investisseurs privés et publics.
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Webinar replay
Will the coronavirus lead to economic decoupling and deglobalization?
Fears about deglobalization and economic decoupling are not new but have grown in the wake of the coronavirus/COVID-19. While the crisis is still ongoing, there seems to be a debate between two schools of thought.
The first believes that once the crisis is over, authorities will need to do all what they can in order to help economic actors get back on their feet as the world opens back up.
The second believes that “business as usual” won’t be an option and that the business environment as well as companies will need to undergo deep transformations. In this session, we will discuss the consequences of the coronavirus. Is this the most recent illustration of the risk of economic decoupling? Will it affect the business environment in a profound way, or only in the short term? We will also identify some of the lessons learned and what the outbreak means for the global environment going forward.
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Quelle gestion financière face à la crise covid-19 ?
Quelle sera l’ampleur de la crise économique liée au COVID 19 ? Comment les entreprises peuvent elles s’adapter ? Quelles sont les financements ou aides disponibles ? Animé par Patrick LEGLAND, Professeur affilié à HEC Paris, Associé Fondateur de LGD Partners qui conseille et accompagne les entreprises, après 25 ans dans le secteur bancaire (Société Générale, UBS, BNP Paribas, Philips & Drew)
Comment gérer la crise actuelle du COVID-19 ?
- Comprendre l’impact potentiel de la crise sur la stratégie de votre entreprise
- Établir un état des lieux objectif sur les conséquences de la crise sur votre stratégie
- Prendre les décisions appropriées dans un contexte anxiogène et a priori durable
- Créer de la valeur, dès que la situation se normalisera, savoir rebondir
Quatre axes seront développés au cours de ce webinaire :
- Diagnostic de la situation actuelle sur l’entreprise
- Recherche de financements et aides appropriés
- Actions à prendre en situation de crise
- Suivi de l’impact des mesures prises et adaptation
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Prise de decision & biais cognitif - l'exemple du COVID-19
Face à la montée de l'épidémie de Covid-19, la réaction des populations, comme celles des pouvoirs publics dans les différents pays, a soulevé et soulève encore de nombreuses questions. L'un des prismes qui permet de comprendre l'apparente irrationalité des analyses et des décisions est celui des sciences cognitives.
Dans cette session interactive d'une heure, Olivier Sibony présentera un certain nombre de biais cognitifs qui ont affecté la compréhension initiale de la situation et qui en affectent encore la gestion. La discussion visera à mettre en évidence les leçons que peuvent en tirer les décideurs dans leur pratique.
Olivier Sibony enseigne la stratégie, la prise de décision et la résolution de problèmes à HEC Paris. Auparavant, il a passé 25 ans chez McKinsey & Co., où il était Senior Partner. Diplômé d'HEC Paris et docteur en sciences de gestion, il est l'auteur de nombreux articles scientifiques et de trois livres. Son dernier ouvrage est Vous allez redécouvrir le management (Flammarion, avril 2020).
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Comment l'art nous éclaire-t-il en temps de crise ?
Relativiser la crise non pour en nier l’importance mais pour échapper à la sidération qui la renforce. Prendre le chemin de quelques images d’autres crises, celles dont Bosch et Breughel ont témoigné, pour nommer et en nommant, regagner du pouvoir sur l’innommable qui terrorise et humilie.
Réel devenu confus et illisible, destructions des échelles et des valeurs, dévaluation de la présence et du geste …
Et Breughel, parce qu’il a le courage de reprendre à son compte la radicalité interrogatrice de Bosch, peut apparaitre légitime quand il esquisse gestes et présences susceptibles de faire reconnaître, au travers du masque grimaçant de la crise, le visage de l’opportunité
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It’s time to reinvent your business model
The Coronavirus crisis is a shock, a shock for us as individuals, as employees, as leaders. We would like it to be over, but we must get prepared. This is not a parenthesis; occasional lockdowns will be the new normal. This is just a rehearsal of the world ahead.
The (temporary) end of the lockdown will not mean we will be back to normal. Business as usual has gone as we, as individuals, and our companies will have suffered and thus have changed during this crisis. So perhaps this is the right time to rethink, to reinvent our business. Back to normal is not an option, we need to invent tomorrow’s company. By amplifying the already disruptive digital revolution, this crisis will force companies to rethink the way they work, the way they are organized, and for the leaders, the way they will lead and thrive in the times ahead.
This webinar will set the stage of what is ahead: what will the new normal look like? What will the company of tomorrow look like? Laurence Lehmann-Ortega, strategy professor at HEC will suggest that the company of tomorrow will need to rethink its frontiers and be more responsible, innovative and inspiring.
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Leading effective remote teams
This webinar is aimed at the leaders, managers and coordinators of remote teams. The main objective is to enable you to reflect on some of the key aspects of leadership in your specific context of remote management. This highly interactive webinar features exercises that require the active contribution of all the participants.
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Agility vs resilience in supply chains
Most companies have underestimated so far the value, which can be provided by supply chain management. The best-in-class have designed supply chain management models to develop their agility, which has generated a valuable competitive advantage and a higher customer satisfaction level. Only few of them have completed this value roadmap by reinforcing the resilience of their supply chains in order to face uncertain but probable major risks. This webinar will provide a clarification of the key questions to address and the potential solutions to develop both agility and resilience in supply chains.
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The covid-19 financial crisis: firms' funding difficulties and central bank policies
With half of mankind under lockdown, the Covid-19 crisis represents an unprecedented shock for both global demand and global supply, which is putting huge pressure on firms, both large and small.
The aim of this webinar is to explore the financial challenges faced by firms during this crisis, and to what extent the extraordinary policies implemented by central banks and regulatory authorities may help to alleviate them.
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Global and European response to COVID19: What’s Next?
No other emergency led to the paralysis of the world economy. No other response to a disaster led to the home confinement of more than half of the world population.
Based on current state of research and policy developments, Alberto Alemanno – Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law & Risk Regulation – will offer a learning journey through the global and European response to COVID-19 and sketch the scenarios ahead.
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Coronavirus Recession. How Will It Differ From Previous Economic Crises ?
The purpose of the webinar is to discuss :
- How the current supply and demand shock affects the French and global economy
- How the recession is different from past - Why standard responses (monetary and fiscal policy) may be inadequate and new uncharted measures are needed
- What may be the policy aftermath
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Creating Intelligence In The Face Of Uncertainty
The current situation prompts decision-makers to take most of their decisions in the face of increasing uncertainty. Most managers will react by asking for more facts, more precise data, hoping that more information will enable them to take the “winning” decision.
Unfortunately, gathering precise data is different from creating actual intelligence. First of all, numerical precision can induce a false sense of certainty, which is inherently dangerous in an uncertain world. Secondly, data itself can be interpreted in different ways, and open the road to potential biases.
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La finance d’entreprise à l’heure du covid-19 : solvabilité, solvabilité (et liquidité)
Si l’action des Pouvoirs Publics a été remarquable de rapidité pour prévenir des problèmes de liquidité des entreprises, va se poser pour celles d’entre elles dont l’activité a été fortement ralentie ou arrêtée des problèmes de solvabilité, et donc des besoins en capitaux propres auxquels les États et les banques centrales ne sont pas les mieux placés pour y remédier, eux-mêmes pouvant avoir leurs propres préoccupations en ce domaine.
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Webinar: Manager dans la tempête
Faire face à l’urgence, assurer la continuité de l’exploitation, maintenir la motivation, surmonter les peurs, prendre les bonnes décisions : ce webinaire cherche à la fois à dédramatiser la situation du dirigeant confronté aux difficultés de l’entreprise tout en lui donnant les principaux moyens de les affronter et de renforcer la résilience de son organisation.
C’est une intervention transversale, de leadership, de management, et de droit, très orientée vers la pratique.
Si la compréhension de la situation particulière du dirigeant face aux difficultés, sur le plan psychologique et social, et les défis que posent le management de crise (rassurer, convaincre, décider…) sont ainsi au cœur de ce webinar, le dispositif judiciaire de prévention et de traitement des difficultés des entreprises, les modes d’action des professions concernées par ces difficultés, avocats, administrateurs judiciaires, mandataires, experts… y sont également abordés.
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Webinar: A methodology to solve complex business problems with untested answers in a vuca world
The current circumstances show us that more than ever companies have and will have to solve complex problems in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (so-called VUCA) environments, problems with many possible answers that have not yet been tested.
Speaker: Hélène MUSIKAS - Associate Professor HEC Paris
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Webinar: How can strategy tools and approaches help in a crisis situation ?
When a crisis hits, as we are experiencing now with Covid-19, the economy goes into a tailspin, demand drops and firm profits plummet. Yet, not all industries and firms are affected in the same way. It is fairly straightforward to understand why the crisis-produced drop in demand will be much larger in some sectors of the economy than in others: if people are confined at home, air travel will drop to almost nothing, but video game sales may soar as a bored population seeks entertainment they can enjoy despite the lockdown.
Speaker : Pierre Dussauge, HEC Paris Professor
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Webinar: Cognitive Biases And Decision-Making In The COVID-19 Crisis
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, the reaction of populations and the response of governments in various countries raise many questions.
Cognitive science can help us understand the biases that affect these reactions, and the apparent irrationality of some of them. In this interactive session, Professor Olivier Sibony will use examples drawn from the response to the pandemic in various countries to illustrate several cognitive biases.
The discussion will highlight the dangers that the same cognitive biases present for executives in their strategic decisions, and the lessons they can draw to avoid them.
Speaker: Olivier Sibony, Associate Professor HEC Paris
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Webinar: Regulatory Challenges And Opportunities In Data-Driven Digital Transformation
The restrictions enacted by governments throughout the world in response to Covid-19 has put millions of workers and consumers at home, accelerating the pace of digital transformation.
Firms are facing today multiple urgent and crucial questions, including in relation to the organisation of the workforce, management of data, monitoring of suppliers and contract performance, choice of infrastructure and software providers, and prioritisation of investment among multiple technologies (AI, blockchain, etc.).
Speaker: David Restrepo Amariles - HEC Paris Professor
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Why do managers disregard the signals of an impending crisis?
Failing to act on signals and indicators of oncoming disasters ("train crashes in slow motion") is rather common, and always puzzling when seen retrospectively.
Why does that happen?
There is ample evidence that managers and firms fail to anticipate “predictable surprises”, especially when they are unpleasant or when they significantly affect the bottom line of their companies.
Speaker: Pablo MARTIN de HOLAN - Ph.D., Professor of Strategy, Dean of HEC Paris in QatarHEC
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